Response to the war in Ukraine
What we do:
- coordinate humanitarian aid in Ukraine based on requests from the NICUs
- provide information and psychological support to families of premature babies
- organise and support medical treatment of premature babies in hospitals outside of Ukraine
from preemie parents to preemie parents
Program of material support for temporarily displaced persons, parents of prematurely born children.
To give birth prematurely is a great burden, stress, experience for parents and for the whole family. And during the war, giving birth early is even harder.
As a result of the Russian invasion to Ukraine more than 10 million people in Ukraine had to become temporarily displaced and seek refuge in safer cities. For many families, the start of the war meant to lose the peace, home, work and income. Parents started to come up to the Association of Parents of Premature Babies "Early Birds" with requests for financial assistance to cover basic needs, like food, diapers, medication. Only in April 2022, we received and processed 60 individual requests from parents of preemies and in May we supported 50 families. This is why we decided to provide support to our community by launching a program of individual payments of 100 EUR (3000 Ukrainian hryvnia, UAH), that the family can apply once. The money can be used to purchase the medication, food and hygiene.
Who can receive the support?
Premature babies ( their caregivers), who are located in Ukraine and have displaced because of the war. The priority is given to babies less than 1 year old.
Algorithm for getting help for a parent:
The parents have to fill in the form, provide a copy of a passport and a code, and provide proof that the child is a preemie.
Then we receive the bank account details and make a transfer. Payment is made officially through the NGO "Early Birds" to the bank by our accountant. After the transfer of funds, the tax report is provided to guarantee the transparency of the project.
If there are several children in the family, the payment is made according to the number of premature babies - a separate package of documents must be submitted for each child.
Payment is made only for children born prematurely.
The reports would be posted twice a month on the page of the Early Birds.
We hope with this program we can help some parents, who desperately need it now.
We plan to support at least 30 families a month.