About Us

About NGO «Early Birds»

The Association of Parents of Prematurely Born Children "Early Birds" is a public association founded in 2016 in Kyiv, on the initiative of parents. The association works to help every premature baby and We help ensure that every premature baby and We help ensure that every premature baby and We help ensure that every premature baby and their family receive the highest level of medical, psychological and social support to exercise their rights and freedoms family receive the highest level of medical, psychological and social support to exercise their rights and freedoms family receive the highest level of medical, psychological and social support to exercise their rights and freedoms family find their way to a happy and healthy life. We created this organization from parents for parents.

At "Early Birds" NGO, we believe that every premature baby and their family deserve the highest level of medical, psychological and social support. Our mission is to provide them with this support by helping to advocate for their rights and freedoms.

We are building the first Ukrainian community of parents of prematurely born children, which unites and helps to grow. Small steps to big stories!

Our Mission:

Contribute to the fact that each premature child and their family receive the highest level of medical, psychological and social support for the realization of their rights and freedoms.

Areas of Activity

Advocacy to influence politics.

Education of parents and those who work with parents.

Informational, psychological and social support for families with prematurely born children.

Procurement of consumables for hospitals (discharge of prematurely born children).

Our Values

Physical and mental health





The association promotes the establishment of interaction between parents and specialists, with state structures and pharmaceutical companies to create an effective dialogue with the aim of improving the quality of care for newborn children.

The association is a member of EFCNI, GLANCE, CF "Patients of Ukraine".

Video About our Work

We share with you a video about our activities. After all, the organizers and volunteers of the association are also mothers of premature babies who have already gone through the process of raising their babies and are ready to share their experience with others!