Partnership with Public organization “Ukrainian Midwives’ Union”

We are happy our professional partnerships network broadens, particularly with those professionals, with whom we work very closely on an everyday basis for many years.

The Public Organization (NGO) Ukrainian Midwives' Union was recently established in Ukraine. This public organization operates on the whole territory of Ukraine and unites the specialists practicing midwifery.

The activity of the Union is aimed on raising the level of professional training of Ukrainian midwives, creating the information environment for pregnant women, women of reproductive age and specialists as well as providing social and legal protection to member-midwives of the Union.

We are sincerely grateful to the leader of the organization Larysa Cheprasova for cooperation and we are excited to have such important partnership which comes with the support for our families with prematurely born babies, with adviсe and consultations, when it is needed to save the life of every mother and child.
